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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Kissing Hand. By: Audrey Penn. Illustrated by: Ruth E. Harper and Nancy M. Leak. (1993)

At my son's kindergarten orientation, his new kindergarten teacher gave each child, The Kissing Hand  by Audrey Penn. I had never read that book before. We took it home and read it, and it became totally clear why this was handed out to children going into kindergarten. In the story, Chester Raccoon does not want to go to school. He wants to stay home with his mommy and play with his friends, and play with his toys and play with his friends, and read his own books and swing on his swing. His mother explained to him that sometimes we do things we don't want to do, even if they seem scary at first. And she assured him that he would love school, once he started.She told him he would make new friends, and play with new toys and read new book, and swing on new swings. Then she taught Chester about the Kissing Hand. She kissed the palm of his hand, and told him that whenever he feels lonely and needs a little loving from home, he could press his hand that she had kissed to his cheek and think 'mommy loves you. mommy loves you'. And she said that kiss would jump up to his face and hill him with toasty warm thoughts. Before Chester went to school his mother kissed his hand, and then Chester surprised his mother and kissed her hand too, so she would also have a kissing hand. Then Chester happily ran off to school.
I loved this book! I actually read this again to Jonathan the night before his first night of kindergarten, and before he left we did the kissing hand together. It was adorable, and he got right on that bus, and was a big boy and went to school. I don't know if the kissing hand actually helped Jonathan, but it was definitely a special moment on his first day of kindergarten! So cute!!

Genre: Fiction, character education, first day of school.
Theme/Skill: Students will learn that it is okay to leave home and go to school. Its okay to try new things, even if your scared, because you may learn that you like it!
Grade Level: PreK-2

Pre-reading activity: How did you feel on your first day of school? Have a class discussion about students' feelings on the first day of school.

Post-reading activity: Write a letter to Chester telling him what he will like about school.

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